



Kubota SVL75-3 vs Cat 259D in Delmar, Delaware

Searching for a compact track loader for sale in Delmar, Delaware?

 Eyeing the CAT 259D but you’ve been hearing good things about the Kubota SVL75-3 and its versatility? We’d love to set the record straight and show you just how powerful the Kubota SVL75-3 is before having you come out to Burke Equipment Company in Delmar to browse our selection. Let’s take a look at some features! 


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Kubota Tough

Kubota doesn’t just build good looking products. They build them tough, so you don’t have to stress the longevity and durability of your equipment. The Kubota SVL75-3 and its integrated mainframe and undercarriage, steel paneling, protected hosing and rugged loader arm are no exception to this quality. A ground clearance of 11.7-inches lets you literally rise above obstacles in your path, while the loader arm, capable of both vertical lift and radial movement, assists you in making short work of the job. Long days or short, the SVL75-3 has your back. But how does it compare to the CAT 259D? The CAT259D features dominant durability, as well as a suspended undercarriage system, but its 8.9-inches of ground clearance leave much to be desired. Factor in its lack of commitment to comfort and we can safely say that the Kubota SVL75-3 is prepared to keep you comfortable and operating for years and years to come. 


Kubota Strong

Who are we kidding? You’re here to hear about the Kubota SVL75-2 and the CAT 259D’s performance. Hey, we don’t judge. So how much horsepower does the Kubota SVL75-3 have? The SVL75-3 sports a robust 74.3-horsepower rating, courtesy of its tier 4 emissions, turbocharged Kubota engine. But never fear, you’ll stay in control of all this power thanks to the SVL75-3’s standard electronic torque travel management, two-speed travel and one-way self level! But how does it compare to the CAT 259D’s horsepower? The CAT 259D provides you with the exact same horsepower rating of 74.3 and its own CAT, tier 4 emissions engine inside the chassis. Self-level and electronic torque management systems are in place and the 259D’s hydraulics are impressive, but its 5,745-pound tipping load falls incredibly short of the Kubota SVL75-3’s 7,112 pound rating. You’ll also find a higher breakout force and higher reach at maximum dump height behind the controls of the Kubota SVL75-3s. Landscaping, hardscaping, municipal work and passion projects have never felt or looked this good! Take your performance to the next level with the power of the Kubota SVL75-3 Compact Track Loader! 



Mind made up? Ready to take the next step? At Burke Equipment Company, we’d love to walk you around the Kubota SVL75-3 and answer any questions you may have about the Kubota loader! You can give us a call, fill out our Get a Quote form below or visit our Locations Page to find directions to a location closest to you. We hope to see you soon at Burke Equipment Company in tax-free Delmar, Delaware!


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