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Delaware's Leading Toro Dealer!

Burke Equipment Company stocks a large variety of Toro products including walk behind mowers, mid size mowers, stand on mowers and zero turn lawn mowers. We also have full service departments for maintenance and repair of all Toro products. Our Service Technicians are Toro Certified.Get the job done right with Toro ZERO TURN MOWERS and attachments from Burke Equipment Company. We are proud to be the leading Toro dealership near you and would love to help find the right Toro zero Turn Mower for your needs. Stop by our 3 locations in TAX FREE DELAWARE today and find great deals on Toro mowers.

Give Us a Call!

Felton: 302-284-0123
Newark: 302-365-6000
Delmar: 302-248-7070

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